Volume I, No. 2, Winter 1973

Introducing Our Staff


What kind of young people does it take to be interested in their heritage enough to spend many hours of work interviewing, transcribing, writing, re-writing, handling disappointments, and spending Saturdays and vacations to publish a magazine? It takes very special people who can see far beyond the immediate difficulties to the finished product, to the satisfaction of achieving something of permanent value and worth. It takes people like we have on our staff.

It takes them like Jay Luthy, serious and conscientious, the logical choice for editor when he came up with the plan for the first issue. He is so full of business and proud of BITTERSWEET and his position that the rest of the staff takes every opportunity to tease him or take clandestine photos of him at unguarded moments. Jay takes this all good naturedly.

It takes vivacious, outgoing Sarah Seay (right in photo above), bright and easy to get along with, one who spends class time helping everyone else. She is never satisfied with mediocre work, demanding better and better from herself and the rest. Sure of herself, she always gets the job done and done well, polishing and working right up to the last final deadline. The staff listens to her and takes her advice because she has so many good ideas.

It especially takes Rita Saeger, efficient, skillful, capable and our chief typist, She doesn't merely type words, she proofreads, exclaiming, "This isn't right," We check; she's usually right. We make corrections and she types on, She expertly handles our business affairs, most of the correspondence and worries about BITTERSWEET's future, Under all her business-like manner she is outgoing and witty. The staff can never tell when she is serious.

It takes all the staff, each one adding the special ingredient we could not do without.


Copyright © 1981 BITTERSWEET, INC.

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