Volume I, No. 2, Winter 1973 |
I can't believe we really did it. The feeling of satisfaction was indescribable when we saw the first copy of BITTERSWEET on Mrs. Massey's desk. After months of toll and sweat, we finally achieved our goal. All the careful work, long hours, rewritten stories, art work and pure determination, was made worthwhile by the flood of compliments and amazed faces of people who still cannot believe BITTERSWEET is published by high school students.
After the experience of publishing our first issue, our efficiency has greatly improved. Almost everyone knows how to file negatives, contact prints, photographs, and subscriptions, how to interview, transcribe tapes, make layouts and the many other jobs in Publishing a magazine.
As you flipped through this second issue I'm sure you noticed something different. It contains a soundsheet which will enable our readers to hear For themselves some of the vocal and instrumental heritage of the Ozarks. When you've listened to the record you'll probably agree with us that words can't effectively describe the sound of music. If we receive a favorable response, to make it worth the extra expense, we hope to bring you more Ozark sounds in the future.
Since our first issue was released, the flow of incoming mail and subscriptions has increased, especially since the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SCHOOL BULLETIN published an article in its September 24 issue. One of the first letters we received was from Arthur Lo Mallory, Commissioner of Education in Missouri, who said, "It never ceases to amaze me what can be done by rich young minds that are given the opportunity, the encouragement, and a bit of leadership."
Another letter we're especially proud of was written by Nancy Dennis, Program Officer of the
Ford Foundation. "Congratulations! What a superb job all of you did in creating this wonderful
new magazine of Ozark life. Not only is it well crafted, but its warmth and human feeling are very
real and endearing. I thoroughly enjoyed reading through it several times, and I know others here
will share my appreciation and enthusiasm. We'll be looking forward eagerly to the next issue."
I'd like to share with you some more letters we've received which lift our spirits each day when
the mail comes in.
"Thank you For your efforts in preserving what made America great."
Mrs. Lyle C. Tabb, Kearneysville, W. Va."I saw a notice For your magazine and would like to purchase it for my father. I myself am interested because I, too, am a high school student and I find it very interesting to hear what you and other high school students are doing."
Diana Mathis, Enterprise, Alabama
"It (the issue on one-room schools) should be required reading in introductory education
Ben F. Nelms, U. of Missouri-Columbia To everyone who has taken the time to write us a letter of appreciation, criticism, or suggestion, we would like to say-THANK YOU.
Some of the staff are already at work on articles for our future issues. In our spring issue we plan to bring you articles on making molasses, Missouri fox trotting horses, duck plucking and pillow stuffing, to name a few. For the more distant Future we've started articles on grain cradles, comfort tacking, shape-note singing, homemade perfume, caves, cider presses, threshing with steam engines, and quilting as well as featuring some talented and interesting Ozark people.
BITTERSWEET is published with our subscribers's interests in mind. If you are interested in seeing an article on a particular subject or know anyone who still performs or practices a dying art of the Ozarks or if you think of something you feel we might want to write about, please let us know.
We hope you enjoy this issue and are as eager to see our next issue as we are.
Copyright © 1981 BITTERSWEET, INC.
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