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By S. C. Turnbo
One of the interesting hunting stories as told me by "Wes" Henderson is the following. "Sometimes," said he, "a hunter gets bad fooled in the distance between himself and the game he is shooting at. I recollect one day while I was hunting in Long Bottom Hollow one prong of which has its source at Peel, Ark., I shot and killed a deer which I had been tracking in the snow. Just after I had shot it I saw another deer lying down on the snow in the edge of the timber just beyond a glade or small prairie. I guessed the distance from where I was to the deer to be 150 yards, so after reloading my rifle I shot at the deer and saw some snow fly up on the hillside between where I was and the deer. Well, thought I, the shot was too low. The deer did not seem a bit afraid and never got up. At the next shot I elevated the muzzle of the gun a little and more snow shot up further on toward the deer. I reloaded and shot and continued to elevate the muzzle of the gun more until I had shot five times. The last shot of which hit the deer and it bounced up off the snow like a rubber ball and ran beyond my view and that was the last I saw of it. I was not able to account for my bad shot until after I had measured the distance from where I had been shooting from to where the deer lay and was surprised to find that it was 380 yards and you may note it down that it was no wonder that I made the snow fly with my bullets."
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