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By S. C. Turnbo
Thomas Mallanaa who was born and reared in Douglas County, Mo. and who lived
in Marion County, Ark. many years told the writer the following.
While I lived on my farm on Little North Fork I knew of an old buck that
would feed and lay down to rest in a certain locality. I had tried a number
of times to kill him but I was either too slow or the buck was too fast.
One day I and my brother Jim Mallanaa went out together to hunt for this
Mr. Buck. He was very shy and when we arrived in his neighborhood we walk
very cautious and made as little noise as possible. Very soon we discovered
the partly hidden body of an animal that we supposed was the buck lying
down in the grass and small bushes.
We were in shooting distance and were more than anxious to get a shot at
the said buck. There was not a convenient rest for my rifle where we were,
and fearing the supposed buck might take fright if I went to a small tree
which stood nearby I told my brother Jim to sit down in front of me and
I would rest the barrel of my rifle on his shoulder. He did so and I took
an accurate aim at the part of the animals body that was in sight. I wanted
the bullet to go right to the mark for I had been wanting to taste of the
meat of his buckship for many weeks. About the moment I pulled the trigger
of the gun Jim noticed the animal switch its tail and he knew it was not
a deer and raised his shoulder so that I might over shoot it, but he was
a little too late for the bullet struck the point of the shoulder and caused
a slight flesh wound. What was it I shot at did you say?" Well it was
a fine mare that belonged to me. At the report of the gun she leaped to
her feet and Jim says "there now you have shot your best mare."
Then I wilted. We would never have told it but I was compelled to lead the
mare home to dress the wound. She recovered from the effects of the bullet
all right. But when it leaked out that I and Jim had shot and wounded my
mare for a deer my neighbors and friends joked us about it for months after
it was done."
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