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In refering to the early schools on Big Creek in Taney County, Mo., Mr. John Bias son of Hiram Bias has this to say of a school he attended when he was a little fellow "I remember going to school to William Adair who taught at the spring on the west side of the creek opposite where old Jimmie Jones mill stood in the latter 50s. This is just above the old John Pelham Place that is owned now by Joe Gloss Haskins. Mr. Adair taught the school in a dilapidated old cabin with dirt floor with openings between the logs large enough to throw a grown dog through. "I well recollect" said Mr. Bias "that school books then were scarce and I only had the fragment of a blue back spelling book and my first lesson began at Deed School. The teacher had 13 students among them was Wadie Pettigo a man 40 years old. He came to Big Creek with the old man Baker. Mr. Baker had two sons named Wess and John who also went to school. Wess Baker married Miss Sarah Smith daughter of Charley Smith who owned the mill where the Pate Duggins Place is. Also Charley Smith son of old Charley Smith attended this school. Jim and Elias Tabor sons of Esquire Tom Tabor were also students. In after years Elias Tabor was a preacher of the universalist faith. Miss Patient Tabor daughter of one eyed John Tabor was another pupil there. Jim and John (Jack) Jones sons of Hugh Jones and Henry Jones son of old Jones the hitter all attended the school. I sure recollect how Jim Jones would pinch me when he was sitting in reach of me."
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