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By S. C. Turnbo
Alander Hurst son of Jacky Hurst an old time settler on Crooked Creek below Yellville Ark. was a member of Co. A Shalers 27th Ark. Infantry C-S A Informed me of the death of Daniel Wickersham who lived on Mill Creek one mile south of Yellville. "One day during winter in war times". said Mr. Hurst "while Wickersham who was an old man was living with his second wife whose maiden name was Betsey Dasier, he was shot one night in his night clothes and crawled on his hands and knees through the snow to Col. Eli Dotson a mile distant where he died. He was shot in the bowels. He was buried in the family grave yard on his old home place. Mr. Alaxander Hurst was born on Crooked Creek in 1843."
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