Petition filed Dec 1837 term. Book A p 209, p 240, p 242, p 243, p 251. Dismissed. Petition change of venue Dec term 1838, Book A p 267, approved same day.
HUMPHREY, Margaret / HUMPHREY, David
Divorce petition July term 1839 (July 31) Book B p 54, p 55. Dismissed by Plaintiff.
TWITTY, Rosetta / TWITTY, William
Petition filed November l841 term. March 1842 session. Defendant ordered show cause why divorce could not be valid. No more entries. Book B p 197; Book B p 225. Interlocatory Decree.
McGAUGH, Numeda A. / McGAUGH, James H.
November term 1841. Marriage dissolved. Plaintiff-retain custody daughter Mary E. McGaugh, under 4 years of age. Book B p 200.
Divorce granted May Term 1844. Not contested. Plaintiff granted custody sons Eli, age 11; William, age 7.Book B p 371 (Nov term 1843 - Interlocatory). Married in 1830 in Surry County, N.C.
HARPER, Jane / HARPER, Robert C.
Petition filed and divorce granted May Term 1845. Plaintiff custody two children - Martha, 10; John James McCord Harper, age 2. Married 1831, Henry County Tenn. Book C p 34.
PARRISH, William / PARRISH, Catharine
Plea filed November 1845 term. William file answer May term 1846. Marriage dissolved 5 May 1846. Book C p 86, p 96 ; Book C p 117.
AKIN, Canc / AKIN, Margaret
Interlocatory Decree 4 May 1846. Book C p 108. Final Decree 20 May 1847 Book C p 216.
ROBINSON, Mary Eleanor / ROBINSON, Lewis M.
Petition filed August term 1840. Book B p 130. (Lawfully married year 1835 in Tennessee). Desertion 2 years. Child, Alexander, 4 yrs old. Sole custody and management to Plaintiff.
JAMES, James L / JAMES, Lavisa
Final Decree July term 1841. Book 3 p 185 & p 186.
BOYD, Wm. B. / BOYD, H.M.
Petition filed 5 November 1846. Book C p 168. Marriage dissolved 20 May 1847.
Petition filed 3rd day November court 1846. Book C p 154, 177. Divorce granted 30 August 1847. Book C
p 226.
MASON, Ruth / MASON, William
Petition filed 2 Nov l847. Book C p 241. Divorce granted 2 May 1848, Book C p 248, 249 (Final)
WILSON, John / WILSON, Nancy J.
Petition filed 5th day May Court 1848. Book C p 257. Marriage dissolved 2 November 1848 Book C p 272.
HAMMOND, Melcina / HAMMOND, Jerome G.
Petition filed November 1845 session. Book C p 85. Divorce to be made absolute / next term of court. Desertion. Custody of son Thomas Boon Hammond to Plaintiff. Were married 14 Feb 1842.
Petition filed 3rd day May Court 1850. Book C p 374. Marriage dissolved June 1851 Term. Book C p 451.
PHILLIPS, Catharine / PHILLIPS, Nathan I.
Final Decree December Court 1851. Book C p 462. Four children, to wit: Mary Lucretia, 10; Lucy Jane, 9; Margaret, 7; Sarah Ann 5. Custody to Plaintiff.
BURNEY, Josiah / BURNEY, Jane
Marriage dissolved 23 June 1852.
GUINN, Katherine / GUINN, Wesley
Petition filed June Term 1851. Book D. SR p 39. Adjourned till next term. Marriage dissolved June 1852.Custody of children Nancy Jane and Quintilla Frances to Plaintiff. Book D SR. p 44
DEWITT, George / DEWITT, Minerva
Marriage dissolved June 1852. Book D. SR p 44.
CORNELISON, Delaney Adeline / CORNELISON, Jesse.
Marriage dissolved June 1852. Book D. SR p 44.
DIXON, John / DIXON, Lucy
Final Decree June Term 1851. Book C p 462. John indicted for adultry Dec 1851.
Marriage dissolved June 1852. Book D. SR p 46.
THOMAS, Julia Ann / THOMAS, Woodsen A.
Petition filed June 1852 term. Book C. Marriage dissolved July 1853. Book D. SR p 76.
HASTEN, Joseph / HASTEN, Martha
Final Decree July 1853. Book D, SR p 89.
MILLER, Elizabeth / MILLER, Joseph H.
Petition filed December Term 1851. Book D.SR p 25, 43. Marriage dissolved July 1853. Book D. SR p 91.
HOPPER, John M. / HOPPER, Mary
Marriage dissolved 1854, 14 Jan. Book D. SR p 126.
THOMAS, Woodsen A. / THOMAS, Harriet
Marriage dissolved 16 Jan 1854. Book D. SR p 129.
TILLERS, Thomas / TILLERS, Elva D.
Marriage dissolved January 1854. Book D. SR p 134.
HUFF, Martha A. / HUFF, Julius.
Petition filed July 1854 Term. Dismissed by court Book D. SR p 147.
Petition filed July 1854 term. Marriage dissolved July 1854 . Book D. SR 158, 172.
PAYNE, H.R. / PAYNE, Sarah
Petition filed 22 Aug 1854. Marriage dissolved 20 Mar 1855. Book D. SR p 230. Defendant innocent and injured party.
APPLEBY, William A. / APPLEBY, Mary
Petition filed 20 Mar 1855. Marriage dissolved 20 March 1855. Plaintiff innocent and injured party Book D. SR p 227.
LUCE, Sarah / LUCE, John
Petition filed March Term 1859. Book D.SR p 236. Marriage dissolved 15 March 1855. Plaintiff control of two children. Book D. SR p 278.
PRESTON, Sarah C. / PRESTON, Solomon
Petition filed March 1855 term. Marriage dissolved March 1855. Book D. SR p 249.
MARTIN, Mary / MARTIN, William
Marriage dissolved 15 May 1855. Book D, SR p 307.
ROGERS, Elijah / ROGERS, Rosanna
Marriage dissolved 15 May 1855. Book D. SR p 259, p 277. Plaintiff innocent and injured party.
SMITH, Lethe / SMITH, William
Marriage dissolved September 1855. Custody two children to Plaintiff. Book D. SR p 279.
MOORE, Elijah / MOORE, Frances
Marriage dissolved 17 September 1855. Book D. SR p 291.
WHITLOCK, Elizabeth / WHITLOCK, Thomas J.
Marriage dissolved 22 September 1855. Custody of 4 youngest children during their minority: Alabama C., Williamson P., Susan I., and Mary H. to Plaintiff. Large property settlement. Book D. SR p 343, 344.
KIMMONS, Nancy / KIMMONS, Edward.
Petition filed March 1856 Term. Mar 17, 1858. Defendant "departed this life."
HOUSE, Mary / HOUSE, Thomas
Petition filed 10 Mar 1856. Marriage dissolved 12 September 1856. Book D. SR p 373, 458.
MASON, Malinda / MASON, Josiah
Petition filed 3rd day September 1856 Term. Case dismissed by Court. Book D. SR p 408.
SPENCER, A.T. / SPENCER, Christina
Petition filed 5 September 1856. Marriage dissolved 11 September 1856. Book D. SR p 416 & Book D. SR p 452.
Petition filed March Term 1858. Petition for Divorce dismissed by Plaintiff. Book D. JR p 115.
KELSO, John R. / KELSO, Mary A.
Petition filed March Term 1858. Marriage dissolved September 1858 Term. Book D. JR p 136, 226.
BROWN, Mary M.S. / BROWN, Henry
Petition filed 13 May 1858. Ptff innocent and injured party. No further data. Book D. JR p 160, 230.
Petition filed 26 May 1858. Marriage dissolved September Term 1858. Plaintiff awarded custody infant child. Book D.JR p 161, 268, 321, 354.
OWEN, Andrew / OWEN, Mary
Petition filed 15 Mar 1859. Marriage dissolved 12 August 1859. Book D. JR p 348 p 470.
VICTOR, Phebe Ann / VICTOR, William J.
Petition filed March 1859 term. 12 Aug 1859 - Dfdt show cause or divorce will become final. Book D, JR p 365, p 468.
HOPPER, Matilda / HOPPER, M.N.
Petition filed 10 May 1858. Marriage dissolved January Term 1860. Book D. JR p 402, 496. Book E p 68.
CHAMP, William / CHAMP, Laminah
Petition filed 14 May 1859. Continued 12 Aug. 1859. No other info. Book D. JR p 402, 466.
Petition filed 18 Aug 1859. Two children: Juliet Clementine, 12, James, 4. Marriage dissolved 18 Aug 1859. Plaintiff awarded custody. Dfdt accused of adultry, found guilty. Book D. JR p 492.
YOAKUM, Louise / YOAKUM, William
Petition filed 22 Aug 1859. One infant child. Marriage dissolved Jan 1860 term. Plaintiff care of infant. Book D.Jr p 507 & Book E. p 67.
BARNUM, Noble S. / BARNUM, Abagail
Petition filed 3 November 1859 - Publication ordered. Book D. JR p 424. No further info.
CRESHON, Sarah / CRESHON, Joshua
Petition filed January 1860. Book E p 27, 29, 43. Marriage dissolved 13 Jan 1860. Book E p 43.
Petition filed 4 Jan 1860. Book E, p 78. Marriage dissolved 16 August 1860. Book E. p 148.
APPERSON, Malinda N. / APPERSON, Peter.
Petition filed June 1860 Term Book E p 95. No further info.
Petition filed 8 August 1860. Book E p 106. Cause continued January term 1861. Book E p 213. No further info.
McMILLIAN, Mary F. McMILLIAN, William Petition filed 9 August 1860. Book E p 115. Marriage dissolved January 1861. Plaintiff awarded infant. Book E p 232.
Petition filed 14 Aug 1860. Book E p 135. Marriage dissolved 14 August 1860. Defendant awarded infant son.
BROWN, W.S. / BROWN, Elizabeth
Petition filed 14 August 1860. Book E p 136. No further info.
GRIFFIN, Mary S. / GRIFFIN, Andrew Jackson
Petition filed 17 April 1861. Book E p 241. "Plaintiff innocent party". Marriage dissolved 2 Dec 1862. Book E p 464.
SPRAGUE, Adaline / SPRAGUE, Lemuel
Petition filed Jan Term 1863. Book E p 431. "Continued" 4 Feb 1863. Book E p 577. Annulled Aug. 1863 Term. Book F p 101.
BEDELL, Daniel G. / BEDELL, Edith
Petition filed 8 Dec. 1862. Book E p 511. Feb 5, 1864, entry "Now this day the death of the plaintiff is suggested to the court therefore this cause is by the court dismissed". Book F p 387.
Entry on 6 Feb 1864 p 550 shows proceedings continued.
Jan 1866 continued. Book G p 502.
Marriage dissolved 23 July 1866, Book G p 732.
FREEMAN, Mary E. / FREEMAN, Mortimer
Petition filed 7 Feb. 1863. Book E p 612. "Show cause to contrary" prior next term of court. Aug. Term 1863 Book F p 102 Divorce granted.
ROBNET, Rebecca / ROBNET, George
Petition filed Aug. Term 1863. Book E p 711, continued. 9th day August Court Term. Book F p 100 continued to 3rd day next term. July 27, 1864, Book F p 697, 698 marriage dissolved. Plaintiff awarded infant children.
BREWSTER, Dewitt C. / BREWSTER, Easter Ann
Petition filed Aug. Term 1863. Book E p 723. Court term 27 Jan. 1864 divorce granted Book F p 789.
STANK, Sarah E. / STANK, Chesly
Petition filed 10 Aug 1863. Book F p 65 continued.12 Aug. 1863, Book F p 89, Plaintiff take charge minor children: Mary H., age 3 & Euphnasia, age 5.
Petition filed 11 Aug. 1863. Charles Clifford had alias HOLLENBURG, Alexander. Book F p 77, continued. Divorce granted 2 Feb 1864. Book F p 344, 345. Maiden name - Mary S. Boyd - restored.
HALE, Virginia / HALE, Addison
Petition filed Aug term 1863. Book F p 107. Continued to next term. Divorce granted 29 Jan. 1864. Book F
p 302.
STEELE, Polly W. / STEELE, John W.
Petition filed 15 Aug. 1863. Book F p 132. Infant son, James W.H. Steele. 8 Feb. 1864 . Plaintiff declared destitute. Defendant ordered to pay her $50. Book F p 410. Book F p 433 continued. Book F p 486 defendant tried to quash suit. Nothing further found.
NOBLETT, Bethine / NOBLETT, John
Petition filed 30 Jan 1864. Book F p 319. 16 Jan. 1865. Continued to next session. Book G p 101, 106. Plaintiff asks custody infant children. Continued 2 Aug. 1865. Book G p 368. Continued Jan Term 1866. Book G p 468 set aside decree Interlocatory Judgment.Defendant permitted file "Set aside" decree Jan.Term. Book G p 562. Jan. Term 1866 Book G p 575 continued. p 576 continued. p 626 divorce granted Custody of children to Plaintiff. p 747.
THOMAS, Louisa J. / THOMAS, Zachariah E.
Petition filed 14 July 1864. Book F p 573. Divorce granted 17 July 1864. Book F p 616. Maiden name Louisa McQuerter restored.
HULL, Manerva / HULL, Andrew J.
Petition filed 1 Oct. 1864. Book F p 784. Marriage dissolved 11 Jan. 1865 Book G p 58.
MITCHELL, William H. / MITCHELL, Araminta E.
Divorce petition filed 1 Oct. 1864 Book F p 786. Marriage dissolved 11 January 1865. Book G p 59.
BOYD, R.K. / BOYD, Lucinda
Petition filed 4 January 1865 Book G p 16, 57. Divorce granted 2 August 1865. Book a p 366.
Marriage dissolved 12 July 1865. Book G p 225.
Y0ACHIM, Margaret / YOACHIM, Jas. H.
Petition filed 12 Jan. 1865. Book G p 74. No further info.
RICHARDSON, Jonathan / RICHARDSON, Elizabeth
Petition filed 26 Jan 1865. Book G p 161. 24 July 1865, Book G p 309 continued. Nothing further found.
LIKINS, Sarah Jane / LIKINS, Lewis A.
Petition filed 11 Feb 1865. Book G p 126. Continued to 2nd Monday in July 1865. July Term. Book G p 521, divorce granted. Sarah allowed custody infant Harvey Likins.
REESE, Mary E. / REESE, Edward A.
Petition filed July term 1865. Continued. Book G p 187. 21 July 1865. Book G p 295 continued. Nothing further found.
ADKINS, Lewis / ADKINS, Mary
Plaintiff decided not to prosecute. Book G p. 210.
BROWN, William / BROWN, Elizabeth
Petition filed 19 July 1865 Book G p 271. Jan Term 1866 Book B p 571 continued. Marriage dissolved 24 July 1866 Book G p 739.
WATSON, Lucy / WATSON, James
Petition filed 25 July 1865 Book G p 303. Jan. Term 1866 continued, Book G p 551, 552, 572. 5 May 1867 Book H p 294 continued at Plaintiff costs.
Nothing further found.
MARTIN, James / MARTIN, Rebecca
Petition filed 24 July 1865. Book G p 307. 1 Aug. 1866 continued, Book G p 778. Divorce granted 7 Aug. 1866 Book H p 4.
CAMP, William P. / CAMP, Eveline
Petition filed 25 July 1865 Book G p 321. Nothing further found.
Petition filed 29 July 1865. Book G p 343. On 14 May 1867 cause continued until next term of court at costs of Plaintiff. Book H p 303. Divorce granted 18 July 1867 Book H p 356,357.
Petition filed 1 Aug. 1865. Book G p 360. January Term 1866 Book G p 570, 571, continued. Divorce granted 3 Aug. 1866. Book G p 785.
Petition filed Jan. Term. Book G p 523. "Dismissed at cost of Plaintiff" 5 Feb 1867. Book H p 233.
FULTON, William J. / FULTON, Martha L.A.
Petition filed January Term 1866. Book G p 571. Continued. Divorce granted 31 July 1866 Book G p 764.
TAYLOR, Andrew J. / TAYLOR, Anna J.
Petition filed January Term 1866. Book G p 572. January Term 1867 continued Book H p 293. Nothing further found.
HART, Josephine / HART, Gideon
Petition filed January Term 1866. Book G p 578. Continued. 31 July 1866. Continued. Book G p 774. Suit ordered dismissed at Plaintiff's costs 24 July 1867 Book H p 91.
KELLEY, Wm. R. / KELLEY, Sarah A.
Petition filed 20 July 1866 Book G p 718. Continued Jan. Term 1867 Book H p 185. Divorce granted 25 July 1867. Book H p 409.
SIMMONS, E.C. (Emily C.) / SIMMONS, Augustine
Petition 21 July 1866. Book G p 719. Interlocatory Decree Jan. 1867 Book H p 186. Divorce granted 26 July 1867 Book H p 412, 430, 431.
CHISM, R.A. (Rebecca A.) / CHISM, Samuel W.
Petition 24 July 1866. Book G p 740. Divorce granted 26 Jan 1867. Book H p 111. Ptff awarded custody of child, Nina Chism.
PILGAS, Jacob / PILGAS, Mary
Divorce granted 30 July 1866. Book G p 761.
DAVIS, Sarah / DAVIS, Marcus L.L.
Petition 31 Jul 1866. Book G p 775. Continued. Nothing further found.
NEWBILL, Nancy / NEWBILL, Tyree G.
Petition 23 Jan. 1867. Book H p 83. Continued 4 Feb. 1868. Book H p 652. "Final Decree" & Jdgmt for $2000, alimony & child care, custody of children. Ptff awarded children and other requested actions.
WHITE, Sarah / WHITE, William
Divorce granted 31 January 1867. Book H p 200. Book I p 149 Ptff permission name change back to Sarah Dorrell.
ENZORTH, Willie / ENZORTH, Henry
5 Feb. 1867 Book H p 240. Divorce granted.Plaintiff's name change to Willie Daugherty. Husband went back to Germany prior divorce. Book H p 247.
STEWART, Nancy J. / STEWART, Levi T.
Petition filed Feb Term 1867. Book H p 282. Interlocatory Decree 31 July 1867 Book H p 460. Divorce granted 1 Feb. 1868, desertion, Book H p 619. Assume maiden name. (Note: Levi T. Stewart married 2 Dec 1866 to Isabella Barnes).
BRYANT, William L. / BRYANT', Sarah
Petition filed Feb. Term 1867. Book H p 292. Interlocatory Decree July Term 1867. Book H p 500. Case dismissed Dec. Term.Book I p 761.
WALLACE, Delilah / WALLACE, Washington
Petition filed July Term 1867, Book H p 506. No further action found.
Interlocatory decree 30 Jan. 1868. Book H p 601, p 602 for Final Decree.
Interlocatory Decree 4 Feb 1868. Book H p 660. Final Decree Book I p 67, July Term.
Final Decree of divorce 7 Feb. 1868. Book H p 677. Desertion. Ptff to have custody of his son.
4 March 1868 Book H p 693, "Show cause" asks custody of child, alimony, property.Interlocatory Decree 28 July 1868 Book I, p 79. 28 Jan. 1869. Final Decree Book I p 298. Ptff care, custody infant son, George C.M. Garrison.
BRANHAM, Lauretta L / BRANHAM, George W.
Petition filed 4 Mar 1868. Book H p 698. Interlocatory Decree 29 July 1868 Book I p 35. Final Decree 23 Jan 1869. Ptff custody 2 children: Udona and Mary C. Branham.
JACKSON, Amanda S.A. / JACKSON, William A.
Petition filed 4 Mar 1868Book H p 707. Desertion. Ptff asks care and custody of child, Nancy Elizabeth Jackson plus $300 per annum.
TYLER, S.F. / TYLER, Nancy E.
Interlocatory Decree 30 Jul 1868. Book I p 98, 99. Dfft withdraw crossbill 19 Jan. 1869. Book I p 209. Final Decree 2 Feb 1869 Book I p 327.
BRUCE, James M. / BRUCE, Naoma C.
Change of Venue, Dade to Greene County. Final decree 30 July 1868. Book I p 113, 114.
McQUIRTER, Amanda S.. / McQUIRTER, James S.
Petition filed 5 Aug. 1868. Book I p 148. Book I p 154 Final Decree. Ptff restored to former name, Amanda F. Peacher.
BEAL, Ann Eliza / BEAL, James N.
Petition filed Oct. 1868. Book I p 192, 193. Interlocatory Decree 29 Jan. 1869 Book Ip 299. Final Decree 14 Aug. 1869 Book I p 461.
STINSON, Willis H. / STINSON, Louise
Divorce petition dismissed. Costs to Ptff. Issue in favor Dfdt. 20 Jan 1969. Book I p 232.
20 Jan. 1869. Dismissed at Ptff costs - Book I p 237.
MACK, Lucinda / MACK, Robert A.C.
Final Decree 26 Jan. 1869. Book I, p 277. Ptff resume maiden name, Lucinda A. McFarland. Dfdt R.A.C. Mack awarded care and custody and support of his two infant children, females, named Ellen Mack and Lenora Mack.
DASI, Gerde G. / DASI, Emma
19 Jan. 1869. Book I p 221 "Ans filed of defendant". 28 Jan 1869 Book I p 296 Final Decree. Dfdt declared innocent and injured party.Dfdt restored to maiden name, Harris, and care and custody of her child born to this marriage.
LAWSON, Ellen D. / LAWSON, Ancil
Final Decree 4 Feb.1869. Book I p 341.
OWEN, Martha / OWEN, Wm. A.
Book I p 309. 29 Jan. 1869 "Leave to file amended petition." Petition filed. 5 Feb 1869 Book I p 348, Divorce Petit ion filed.Cross-bill strike-out 16 Nov 1869. Book I p 588, 656. Final Decree Dec Term 1869 Book I p 710.
PEPPER, Amanda J. / PEPPER, Willis
Petition filed 19 May 1869Book I p 364. Interlocatory Decree Aug. 1869. Book I p 503. Final Decree
28 May 1870. Book J p 289, 290.
BOYD, Mary S. / BOYD, Erastus H.
Petition filed Aug. Term 1869Book I p 367. Interlocatory Decree Dec. Term 1869 Book Ip 778, 779. Final Decree 18 May 1870 Book J p 173. Mary gets custody infant child William R. Boyd.
McCLURE, Henry / McCLURE, Bettie
Final Decree 20 Aug. 1869.Book I p 512.
GREGORY, Napolianna / GREGORY, Levi N.
Petition filed Aug. Term 1869. Book I p 368. Interlocatory Decree 11 May 1870. Book J p 80. Nothing further found. (Note Levi N. Gregory married 1 Aug 1870 to Sarah Hill.)
BARNES, Nancy / BARNES, John C.
Petition filed Aug Term 1869. Book I p 368. Nothing further found.
ROOT, C.C. / ROOT, Helen L.
Petition filed 10 Aug. 1869, Book I p 408. Interlocatory Decree 18 Aug. 1869 Book Ip 487. Dismissed 6 June 1870 at Ptff costs. Book J p 327.
Interlocatory Decree 19 Aug. 1867, Book I p 500. Final Decree 17 May 1870 Book J p 159. Maiden name Sarah E. Grisham, restored.
STUCKEY, William / STUCKEY, Ruth
Final divorce decree 13 May 1870. Book J p 113.
HARRIS, Josephine / HARRIS, James W.
Interlocatory Decree 14 May 1870. Book J p 140. Final Decree p 140. Maiden narne, Josephine V. Jones, restored.
TURNER, Hannah O. / TURNER, Flavius J.
Final divorce decree 14 May 1870. Book J p 143.
MOSS, Henry / MOSS, Mary
Interlocatory Decree 18 May 1870. Book J. p 168. Final Decree 18 May 1870. Book J p 168.
BENIEL, Freel / BENIEL, John
Interlocatory Decree 18 May 1870. Book J p 168. No further information.
Petition filed 19 May 1870, Book J. p 189. Final Decree 23 Nov 1870 Book J p 578.
GUINN, Amanda / GUINN, Monroe
Interlocatory Decree 19 May 1870, Book J p 170. Dfdt reply at next session or final decree issued. Nothing further found.
CECIL, Mavon / CECIL, Samuel W.
Final Decree 28 May 1870. Book J p 294, 294.
LEAK, Martha / LEAK, A.M.
Interlocatory Decree 4 June 1870. Book J p 317, 318. Dismissed at cost to Ptff 13 May 1872 Book J p 462.
MORGAN, Martha C. / MORGAN, John B.
Petition filed 6 June 1870, Book J p 329, 330. Final Decree 22 Nov. 1870, Book J p 574, 575. Ptff restored to maiden name, Martha C. Bassinger.
KNIGHT, Anderson / KNIGHT, Laura
Interlocatory Decree 9 June 1870, Book J p 363. 22 Nov 1871 - continued at cost to Ptff Book L p 105. Nothing further found.
GRAY, Daniel / GRAY, Angeline
Interlocatory decree 10 June 1870. Book J p 372. 19 Nov. 1870 continued at cost of Ptff Book J p 552. Final Decree 29 Nov 1870 Book J p 626. Care and custody child, named Ann, age 3 yrs, to Ptff.
MURPHY, Louisa / MURPHY, Calvin
Petition filed November Term 1870. Book J p 454. Final Decree 21 Nov. 1870. Book J p 565. Ptff awarded custody children: William D. Murphy, Columbus D. Murphy, Silas R. Murphy, Marion J. Murphy.
WOODROW, Garrett / WOODROW, Harriett
FINAL Decree 26 Nov. 1870. Book J p 597. Ptff awarded care and custody following children of this marriage: Mary Jane, Henry L., Louisiana A., Lafayette, George G., all minors.
In cross-suit by Dfdt, Dfdt declared innocent and injured party. Ptff abandoned Dfdt for more than year. Divorce granted 28 Nov. 1870. Book J p 610.
CANNEFAX, William R. / CANNEFAX, Nannie R.
Final decree 5 Dec. 1870, Book K p 17. Dfdt name to be changed to maiden name, Nannie R. Fulbright.
LANE, Mary / LANE, Patrick
Interlocatory Decree 8 Dec. 1870. Book K p 53. Final Decree 29 May 1871. Ptff given care, control of David J. Lane, Hannah M. Lane and Ellen Lane, their children.
RENFRO, Nancy I.D. / RENFRO, James C.
Petition filed 9 Feb. 1871. Book K p 177. Dfdt filed answer May 9, 1871. Book K p 211. Final Decree 10 May 1871. Book K p 222. Ptff awarded care, custody John Nelson Renfro and James Winton Renfro, children this marriage.
Petition filed May Term 1871. Book K p 191. Final Decree 18 Dec 1871. Book L p 260.
GREENE, Mary T. / GREENE, Jeremiah H.
Petition filed Nov 1871. Book K p 193. Asks care, custody infant, Joseph Ervin Greene. Final decree 6 May 1873. Ptff awarded care,custody,infant child.
SMITH, Allan M. / SMITH, Celia M.
Petition filed 17 May 1871. Book K p 291. Final Decree 25 Nov. 1871. Book L p 124.
PIPER, Peter / PIPER, Eliza
Interlocatory decree 18 May 1871. Book K p 304, also Book p 314. Final Decree 15 May 1872 Book L
p 414.
PHELPS, S.A. / PHELPS, Ellinor
Final Decree 29 May 1871. Book K p 380. Dfdt restored to maiden name, Ellinor Boyd.
Final Decree 29 May 1871. Book K p 383 Defendant pay costs.
KILLIS, Jane / KILLIS, Samuel
Petition filed 31 May 1871. Book K p 394. Order of publication 29 Nov 1871. Book L p 145. Nothing further found.
KINCAID, Louisa A / KINCAID, Elam 0.
Final decree 31 May 1871. Book K p 395 Maiden name Louisa A. Mitchell restored.
BOREN, Eliza M. / BOREN, Michael
Petition filed 20 Jun 1871. Book K p 522. Final Decree 23 June 1871, Book K p 533. Ptff care, custody their children.
Final Decree 22 Nov 1871. Book L p 106 Dfdt, care, custody, control and education of their child, Mary Ann Callaghan. Child shall have permission to visit her mother, the Ptff, at all times when not in school.
Interlocatory decree 1 Dec. 1871. Book L p 156. Final decree 8 May 1872, Book L p 348.
Final decree 1 Dec. 1871. Book L p 159.
McFAIN, Urnestine / McFAIN, John C.
Final decree 4 Dec 1871. Book L p 168.
WALKER, Martha / WALKER, Montreal
Interlocatory decree 5 Dec. 1871. Book L p 172. Final Decree 15 May 1872. Book L p 426. Maiden name, Martha Danforth, restored.
THORNTON, Edward / THORNTON, Adeline
Interlocatory Decree 5 Dec. 1871. Book L p 172. Dismissed at cost of Plaintiff 2 Sept. 1872 Book L p 566, 567.
ROBBERSON, Elizabeth / ROBBERSON, Frederick
Petition filed 16 Dec. 1871, Book L p 211. Dismissed at cost to Ptff 13 May 1872. Book L p 410.
Interlocatory Dec. 1871. Book L p 228. No further entries found.
WEST, Silas / WEST, Mary
Interlocatory Decree 5 Dec 1871. Book L p 173. Final Decree 14 Dec. 1871 Book L p 246
JOHNSON, Richard F. / JOHNSON, Susan T.
Petition filed Feb. Term Book L p 310. Proof of publication filed 6 May 1872. Interlocatory Decree 13 May 1872 Book L p 399. Final Decree 17 Nov 1873. Book M p 439. Ptff innocent and injured party
KELLEY, J.R. / KELLEY, Henrietta
Petition filed Feb. Term 1872. Book L p 323. Published 19 Aug 1872 Book L p 489. Interlocatory Decree 30 Aug 1872. Book L p 551. Final Decree 24 May 1873 Book M p 214.
EVANS, Sarah / EVANS, Oliver H.
Petition filed 4 May 1872. Book L p 333. Final Decree 31 Aug 1872 Book L p 560. Ptff custody William C. Evans, age 14; Mary A. Evans, age 13; Eva J. Evans, age 11 and Terry, age 6.
Final Decree 8 May 1872, Book L p 344, 345.
SUMNER, Sarah / SUMNER, John
Interlocatory Decree 13 May 1872. Book L p 394. Final Decree 6 Sept. 1872. Book L p 584. One child, ________Sumner. Ptff Care, custody of her said children.
WILLARD, Arena A. / WILLARD, Calvin
Interlocatory Decree 13 May 1872. Book L p 394. Final Decree 21 Sep 1872. Book L, p 626, 627. Ptff care, custody infant child.
Interlocatory Decree 13 May 1872. Book L p 394. Final decree 2 Sep. 1872 Book L p 573. Ptff custody children Clyde, 2yrs; Cella, 6mo. Maiden name, Nancy A. Potter, restored.
GRAY, Thomas / GRAY, Martha
Interlocatory Decree 13 May 1872. Book L p 395. Final Decree 11 Nov 1873 Book M p 415.
Interlocatory decree 13 May 1872. Book L p 396. Nothing further found.
BRAZEE, Mary / BRAZEE, Edward
Interlocatory Decree 13 May 1872. Book L p 398. Final decree 6 Sep. 1872, Book L p 579. One child born this marriage by name Brazee. Ptff custody, care this child. Ptff restored to maiden name, Mary A. Lowry.
MIKESELL, Benjamin F. / MIKESELL, Mary Ann
Petition filed 15 May 1872 Book L p 425. Interlocatory Decree 10 Sep. 1872. Book L. p 610. Final Decree
7 June 1873. Custody of Noel Mikesell, Joseph H. Mikesell, infant children of Ptff, awarded to Ptff.
Final Decree 2 May 1872. Book L p 458.
Petition filed 31 May 1872. Book L p 477. Dismissed at cost to Ptff.
McAFEE, Judith A. / McAFEE, Hugh
Petition filed 31 May 1872. Book L p 477. Interlocatory decree 12 Sep. 1872 Book L p 606. Final Decree
21 May 1873. Maiden name, Judith A. Moss, restored. Ptff care, custody infant children.
Interlocatory decree 26 Aug. 1872. Book L p 522. Final Decree 31 Aug. 1872. Book L p 564. Ptff custody of Allice, Bill and Netty, children of this marriage.
Petition to "strike out part of defendant's crossbill." 6 Sep. 1872. Book L p 583. nothing further found.
PAYNE, John / PAYNE, Agnes
Interlocatory Decree 10 Sep. 1872. Book L p 612. Final Decree 10 Sep. 1872. Book L p 613.
Petition filed 30 Sep. 1872. Book L p 631. Publication ordered. Dismissed 12 Nov. 1875 Book O p 372.
JACKSON, Nancy P. / JACKSON, James H.
Petition filed 29 Oct. 1872, publication ordered Book M p 1. "Willful desertion." Interlocatory decree 19 May 1873. Book M p 175. Nothing further found.
REED, Thomas / REED, Adaline
Petition filed 29 Oct 1872. Publication ordered. Book M p 2, 3. "Willful Desertion." Nothing further found.
HAISLIP, Rosena / HAISLIP, Melvin
Petition filed, publication ordered 21 Nov. 1872. "Desertion of Ptff one year without cause." Asks care, custody of their child by said marriage. Book M p 4, 5. Amended petition filed 13 May 1873. Book M p 129. Interlocatory Decree 19 May 1873.. Book M p 177. Final Decree 17 Nov 1873. Book M p 442.
Petition filed 30 Nov. 1872. Book M p 24. Dfdt asks maintenance, alimony during court action. Ptff ordered pay $250 forthwith. Final Decree 17 May 1873, Book M p 173. Alimony and maintenance to Dfdt of $1000, plus $75 (or $25 to each child) every 6 months - Benjamin, Minnie and Mattie Louis, of above parties. Care, Custody to dfdt.
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