The Library Springfield-Greene County Library District Springfield, Missouri

 This postcard is a street scene showing the northwest quadrant of the Square. The "Pie," a circular paved concrete area in the center of the square, which served as a turnabout for the streetcars and automobile traffic, is clearly viewed in the center of the postcard. It was erected in 1909 to serve as an area for beautification with flowers and to help keep traffic congestion in the middle of the Square to a minimum. It also prevented automobile and carriage drivers from parking in the center of the Square. A streetcar is visible on the left side of the card. Streetcar tracks should be visible in the lower part of the card, but have apparently been shaded out. The postcard is dated "before 1913." From left are the courthouse, the Smith's Clothing Company, the Baker Block Office Building, Dalrymple Drugs, Browne's Bookstore and Office Supplies, the Merchant's National Bank and, across Boonville, Nathan's Clothing Store.

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