The Library Springfield-Greene County Library District Springfield, Missouri

 Classical Hall, later called Burnham Hall, was constructed on the Drury College (now University) campus in 1909. On January 21, 1910, all the students and faculty met at Pearson Hall and marched in procession, led by the Drury band, to Classical Hall. Students continued to their classes after short dedicatory speeches. In 1910, to recognize the generosity of the late trustee J.K. Burnham of Kansas City, the building was renamed Burnham Hall.

Burnham Hall was erected to house administrative offices, classrooms and lecture rooms. During World War II, while the normal campus lifestyles were interrupted, two fraternities and a sorority at Drury were given space in Burnham Hall. These were Pi Beta Phi, Zeta Tau Alpha and Delta Delta Delta.

In 1954 the college bookstore was moved from Burnham Hall into the basement of Fairbanks Dormitory. During 1961 offices in Burnham Hall were redone at a cost of $44,867. In 1975 a Mabee Foundation grant was used to renovate Burnham Hall; it was renovated again in 1994. Burnham Hall currently is located between Pearson Hall and Stone Chapel on the Drury University campus. It houses the departments of religion, philosophy, history and political science.

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