Volume I, No. 2, Winter 1973

Publisher's Information

Jay Luthy - Editor
Sarah Seay - Public Relations
Rita Saeger - Business
Terry Tyre - Art
Robert McKenzie - Photography
Sally Moore - Writing
Karen Mulrenin - Circulation


Jana Low Vicki Bench
Ronnie Hough Jim Baldwin
Patti Jones Suzanne Carr
Rick Bishop Janet Florence
Gina Hilton Jenny Kelso
Jay Hillig Terry Brandt
Stephen Hough Verna Lucas
Genetta Seeligman
ADVISOR - Ellen Gray Massey

BITTERSWEET is produced by students in grades ten through twelve in a one hour credit English class designed especially For this purpose. Proud of their Ozark heritage and land, the students want to preserve the lore, tradition, crafts, dialect and know-how of the past which is rapidly disappearing with their grandparents' generation; they want to portray current aspects of Ozark culture developed in the past which are now reaching development; and they want to portray unique geographical Features which have added to the colorful and unique heritage, which was developed by a homogeneous group of people From southern Appalachian Mountains settling in a geographically unique location. The students do original research with people in the area, taping interviews, photographing every step or process and writing and illustrating the articles. They do much of their own Film developing and picture enlarging. They prepare each page camera-ready For the offset printer, typing the copy and preparing the layouts. Students also take care of all correspondence, subscriptions, Filing, bookkeeping and promotion, as well as make all policy and planning decisions under the direction of a faculty advisor who teaches this class along with a regular assignment Ioado BITTERSWEET is an original, artistic and historical chronicle of the Ozarks done entirely by 22 students and their teacher / advisor.

BITTERSWEET is published quarterly by a special class at Lebanon High School, 419 N. Adams St., Lebanon, Missouri, 65536. Circulation is by subscription and newsstand. Subscriptions are $6.00 a year, single copies $2.00. All unsolicited manuscripts must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. We welcome letters and assume we may use them in our magazine. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form, except for brief excerpts for review purposes, without the consent of the editors. Second class postage pending at Lebanon, Mo., 65536. Return requested.

Copyright © 1981 BITTERSWEET, INC.

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