Volume I, No. 4, Summer 1974

Introducing Our Staff Three Seniors

At the end of the first year of publication, we stop a minute to worry about how we will manage next year without the leadership and talents of the nine graduating seniors on our staff. These seniors are especially important to us for they have helped us set the direction and style of BITTERSWEET. Six of them have been introduced in earlier issues. We would like you to meet the other three. While looking back over the year, we begin to realize how many things we have done that would not have been possible without these three.

Without Sally Moore, story editor, we would not have a carefully typed and filed catalog of dozens of Ozark expressions, terms and pronunciation, providing material for many more pages of "This Speech of Ours," her special feature. It would have been difficult to do without her willing help on story problems and ideas. Always cheerful and enthusiastic, she is ever ready at the merest suggestion to do anything to help out, even driving to the back field of her farm one day to get some bittersweet vines when a group planning a display said they needed the real thing right then.

Without Ronnie Hough we would not have had the ideas, contacts, and information for several articles we have worked on. BITTERSWEET is enriched by contacts with families like his and Sally's that date back to earliest settlement in this area five generations ago. Conscientious and steady, Ronnie is the member of the staff willing to do hard physical labor. When we set out to thin or strip cane for our molasses story, he did more work than two or three of us put together. Whether it was managing concessions for our bluegrass festival or writing and re-writing three or four times "Sorghum Molasses BITTERSWEET Style" (Spring, 1974), one of the longest and most detailed of any story we have done so far, we can depend on him. He works carefully and records accurately, for he knows from his own experience what he writes about.

It is unconceivable to imagine what we would have done without Karen Mulrenin, our circulation editor. Karen's efficiency is matched only by her smile. Spending class time and a study period each day, she keeps the files on our subscriptions up to date, mails out magazines daily as we receive orders and answers correspondence about circulation. But that is not all. Like each staff member, Karen interviews and writes. (See "A Rose in the Wintertime Can Smell As Sweet," p. 23.) Look in future issues for more from Karen because she has discovered and already written about two recreations new to her--spelunking and square dancing.

Karen spelunking

Ronnie at the sorghum mill

Sally cooking on a wood stove


Copyright © 1981 BITTERSWEET, INC.

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