Volume I, No. 3, Spring 1974 |
Jay Luthy - EditorSTAFF MEMBERS
Sarah Seay - Public Relations
Rita Saeger - Business
Terry Tyre - Art
Robert McKenzie - Photography
Sally Moore -Writing
Karen Mulrenin - Circulation
Jim Baldwin - Lay-outs
Jay Hillig | Gina Hilton | |
Terry Brandt | Vicki Bench | |
Rick Bishop | Ronnie Hough | |
Suzanne Carr | Patti Jones | |
Stephen Hough | Jenny Kelso | |
Genetta Seeligman | Verna Lucas | |
Janet Florence | Jana Low |
ADVISOR - Ellen Gray Massey
BITTERSWEET is produced by a staff of twenty-two students, grades ten through twelve and their teacher / advisor. They hope to capture the lore, crafts, tradition and culture of the Ozark people and to portray characteristics of the land which have influenced their life and development. Through their research techniques, the staff learns about a subject by experiencing it. Through this original chronicle of the Ozarks, the BITTERSWEET staff has developed a strong sense of pride in their heritage and the land around them. Only through determination, hard work and a hunger for knowledge is BITTERSWEET presented to you.
BITTERSWEET is published quarterly by a special class at Lebanon High School, 416 N. Adams Street, Lebanon, Missouri, 65536. Circulation is by subscription and newsstand. Subscriptions are $6.00 a year, single copies $2.00. All unsolicited manuscripts must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. We welcome letters and assume we may use tbem in our magazine. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form, except for brief excerpts for review purposes, without the consent of the editors. Second class postage pending at Lebanon, Missouri, 65536. Return requested.
Copyright © 1981 BITTERSWEET, INC.
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